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x N Credits
x N Credits
x N Credits
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Free Automated Benchmarking
Custom benchmarking profiles
0.04 x N
0.12 x N
1.6 x N
Frequency of benchmarking data auto-update
Annually if applicable
Semiannually if applicable
As soon as new cloud infrastructure becomes available
AI-powered Provisioning & Deployment
Data-driven HPC strategy optimization
Parallelism Optimization
Auto-scaling across cloud zones
Multi-cloud-region support
License-constrained auto-scaling
Subject to license availability dynamics
Subject to license availability dynamics and queue license usage constraints
Subject to license availability dynamics and queue license usage constraints
Intelligently leverage spot instance
Job Management
Task insights
Task-level termination & interruption
SSH to compute node
Live tailing
Debug mode
Direct job files download for running jobs
Auto-delete job and job files
Workspace-level job insights
License Management
Free license hosting
Basic license queueing
Intelligent license queueing
Queue license usage constraints
Task-level license usage insight
Job-level license usage insight
Queue-level license usage insight
Workspace-level license usage insight
Fovus Storage
Mount to the user’s computer
Mount to Fovus workstations
Instant sync to running jobs
Workspace-level usage Insights
Job sharing
File sharing
Benchmarking profile sharing
Customer Support
Basic support by email or ticket
Basic support by email or ticket + a dedicated account manager to ensure customer success
Dedicated slack channel for tech support + a dedicated account manager to ensure customer success
Our pricing model
You choose a plan to subscribe to a specified amount of credits quarterly or yearly.
You consume your credits based on the compute and storage usage of your HPC practice optimized by AI. See Fovus Pricing Model for more details.
For each of your HPC jobs, Fovus auto-optimizes the compute and storage usage with the objective of minimizing the total runtime and cost. You pay only for the optimized runtime by second.
You can upgrade or downgrade your subscription tier or credit amount or cancel your subscription anytime.
Frequently Asked Questions
How exactly are credits consumed?
Please see Fovus Pricing Model for more details.
What is N in the subscription credit amount?
A number greater or equal to 1. N is derived from your subscription credit amount and used to determine the number of custom benchmarking profiles supported in your plan. For example, if you subscribe to 15,000 credits yearly under the professional plan, N is 37.5, and 0.12 x 37.5 ≈ 5 custom benchmarking profiles will be supported in your workspace.
What is the minimum subscription credit amount for each tier?
When N equals to 1.
What is the subscription rollover policy?
Unused credits can be carried over to one more subscription cycle and will expire if they are not used by the end of the next subscription period.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Subscriptions can be canceled at any time. Once canceled, users can still use services until the end of the current subscription period. Unused credits will expire at the end of the subscription cycle.
How do subscription upgrades work?
When upgrading a subscription, the new charge is prorated based on the difference in credit amounts, but the subscription cycle remains unchanged. Users are charged for any additional credits and any difference in tier pricing. The additional credits are added to the account as soon as the upgrade is made.
For example, if a user initially subscribed to 100K credits per year and used 90K credits in 6 months, they would have 10K credits left. If they then upgrade to a 200K yearly subscription at the same tier, they will be charged for the extra 100K credits, which will be added to their account immediately. After the upgrade, they will have 110K credits in their account. The upgraded subscription of 200K credits will renew automatically at the end of the current subscription period.
What happens when I downgrade my subscription?
When downgrading a subscription, the change takes effect only after the current subscription cycle ends. At that time, any remaining credits from the old subscription will carry over, and the subscription will renew at the downgraded level.
For example, if a user initially subscribed to 100K credits per year and used 30K credits in 6 months, they would have 70K credits left. If they downgrade to a 20K credit plan at the same tier, the downgrade will take effect at the end of the current subscription period. Any remaining credits will roll over, and the new 20K credit plan will renew. If there are 40K credits left from the previous period, the user will start the next cycle with 60K credits (40K carried over + 20K new)